Ten years ago today I was sound asleep, comfortable and safe in my own bed. My father knocked on my door and stirred me slightly from the deep sleep I had found myself in, mentioned something of a plane in New York and left my room. I was so out of it then, I could not tell you how much he had said or what exactly he had said at all really. I do remember it didn’t sit well with me though, because it just didn’t make sense. The whole thing just seemed very strange and felt quite unsettling. Of course that naturally woke me up from the slumber I had been in and provoked me to make my way down the stairs in my childhood home. I found members of my immediate family sitting with eyes wide open (some with tears) in shock looking to the television screen in the living room. Something pulled at my heart strings, before I even knew what they were watching. I remember I ran into my dad pretty quickly once I was down the steps and asked him what he had said about a plane in New York – and that’s when my father told me and I finally understood how our country was attacked. My heart instantly sank and I felt a knot in the pit of my stomach. I ended up bawling my eyes out that day and several to follow; not only for my country – as I am a proud American, but for people I didn’t even know who were involved directly at ‘ground zero’. I could not begin to imagine the horror those people had to undertake that day, as well as the days following.