Wednesday, June 6, 2012

AVON Calling? Oh How I Wish!

My mom called me last night to discuss her findings of an AVON catalog at her mailbox. She told me all about some new products, including pretty nail polish colors and so forth. Of course she was telling me about some items in particular she thought I would like, but the whole time we discussed it, I got to confess I felt a just a little jealous. Where’s my AVON Lady (or gentlemen for that matter) calling or dropping off a catalog for me to drool over? I like certain AVON products a lot. I want an AVON representative to show up at my door or even just drop something off at my mailbox. So I may gander through it and drool over all the lovely merchandise. Set money aside and make a purchase!

Where oh where are the representatives these days? Why is it that in the roughly three years now that I’ve lived where I do, I haven’t had one come by? I mean seriously, what does a girl have to do to find herself a representative?

Now it has been suggested to me, on more than one occasion that I just sign up to sell it myself. My problem with that scenario is I’m just not sure I have the patience to go into that kind of a sales job. Plus I’m not totally sure I’m ready to give up other favorable brands of cosmetics. Although…I confess, I have actually considered it from time to time, I’ve just never settled on actually doing it. I always find a reason for me not to. Why it just won’t work out for me to go for it. So I really think I just need a good rep for the company that I can make my purchases through. Is that too much to ask for these days? Because there are certain beauty products that I just adore and as mentioned before, work better for me than other brands seem to. So I ask again, where or where are the AVON representatives?

--XOXO, Jane