Monday, August 27, 2012

Faced A Fear

At times in life we find ourselves thanking God for the people around us. I know I often do, especially as of late. Recently I worked up my courage on a weekend getaway with my girlfriends, Melly Belly, Hollers and their Ma Lori. I’ve known these ladies since I was twelve and indeed, they are all like family to me. I cannot even begin to thank these ladies enough for the recent Mackinaw City and Mackinac Island trip we took back on through the seventh to the nineteenth of this month. It was just a little weekend getaway, but it was enough to breathe a little better and to challenge myself to face a fear. This is a fear of boats that I have wanted to conquer for quite a while now. I’m not sure I could have done it without these three ladies by my side. I can’t say I’m over it; as a matter of fact I’m not. Am I proud of myself for getting on the boat? Yes. Will I do it again? Most likely, just not anytime soon! LOL!

It was Saturday the eighteenth of August as we stood

in line together. I did my best to muster up courage and keep all nerves down, while I awaited my fate on The Hope, which was the boat we took through the Shepler’s Ferry service from Mackinaw City right on across Lake Huron that morning to Mackinaw Island. It was a little rocky on the way and a big thank you goes out to Melly Belly for letting me hold her hand on the way over. Of course I did my best to shoot some pictures from inside the boat in between my jaw clenching and ducking down for not wanting to see. I will admit here and now, that the boat ride to the island was not as bad as I had expected it to be. It made me feel a little more comfortable even with the idea of getting back on it, when we were done with our group island experience. Now just because the ride over to the island wasn’t as bad as I had anticipated, didn’t mean I was any less happy to get off the dang thing! As you can see, I did manage to snap a front view shot from the dock at the island of the boat that brought us on over.

Now skipping over the Mackinac Island experience just for today, let’s remain on topic and discuss this boat ride back. I was brave at first. I didn’t think it would be as bad, heck the ladies I was with kept guessing it would be an easier ride back. Unfortunately, it was a rather scary ride – for me at least. There were a few times on the way going back across Lake Huron to Mackinaw City that it felt like the ferry lifted off the water and slapped right back down onto it, rocking rather largely all the way. While didn’t get nauseous, I did hear myself yelp a little at that first feeling of the boat going airborne. It was the most terrifying sixteen minutes of my life to date!!! Now here’s where I confess something I find rather embarrassing. While others around us seemed to cheer and laugh with all the boating commotion with the waves and wind, my yelp of fear was followed with some tears. I ended up in a sort of laugh-cry state for a few minutes there on the way back. I can’t even begin to express how relieved I was to make it to land again! Although, I feel absolutely awful as you can see… my dear friend Hollers held my hand on the way back…the scarier ride and ended up getting my fingers imprinted on her own hand for a while there. I still feel really bad about that Hollers!

Overall, I would have to say it was well worth the fear facing to see that Island. I know I would do it again to see that island especially…as long as someone is there to hold my hand! LOL! Also, I would definitely recommend Mackinac Island to anyone for a vacation spot! Next time I go I definitely want to go for longer and I will be sure to share more of my island experience in the near future – with pictures of course!

--XOXO, Jane