Saturday, March 31, 2012

Seeking Organization

A few days ago while I was talking with my mom, my desire and need for an office came up in conversation. I brought up to her that I would love a workspace to call my own. I admitted I dream of having my own little sanctuary where I can seclude myself and fall deep into my work. I dream of having this place where I can go to brainstorm, plot, research and write for hours on end with little to no interruptions. Set up exactly how I want it and know that it’s my own office. Decorated just how I pleased and with plenty of space to let my creativity run wild. Plus it would be handy to have a quiet place to go for homework when I do eventually pursue furthering my education. Ever since that conversation with my mom though, I can’t get the thought of having an office out of my head. It’s like this nagging little voice in the back of my mind telling me someday I will have it if I work hard enough for it.

Dreaming (quite literally) these past few days of my fantasy office, has led me to think of how I can create my own little workspace in the meantime of my desired sanctuary. I swear it’s like I just opened my eyes and realized that I haven’t given myself more than just…well quite literally my little notebook laptop. Granted I store my little handwritten notes on scraps of paper and in notebooks that get tucked away between my laptop bag and the drawers of my nightstand. I admit I also have a few post-it notes stuck on a wall in my bedroom. The way I’ve set myself up has left me feeling quite unorganized though. Perhaps it doesn’t help that I presently don’t really have a desk I can work at and my space is limited. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not griping about what I don’t have available to me. I’m quite thankful for what I do have in fact. However, unorganized I may be with it at the moment.

I feel this urge of determination to find a way to create myself my own little workspace. That desire to give myself even a tiny little spot to sit down and have everything right there is strongly within me. I swear this is going to become my summer project. As while I’m getting older, I do feel more and more this need to be organized not just in my work, but in other aspects of my life as well. If you’re reading this and have suggestions, please don’t hesitate to share with me. As creative as I can be, I do seem to lack in finding creative ways to get and stay organized in a small space. Oh yeah…I think it goes without saying now, but this summer will be partially dedicated for my seeking better organization.

--XOXO, Jane

Friday, March 23, 2012

Spring Cleaning

It’s time for spring cleaning already and that means it’s time to seriously blow the dust off this blog! Firstly, I do want to apologize to the readers/visitors of my site here. It’s hard for me to believe that it’s really been since the end of January that I posted anything at all on here. I have been on my Facebook and Twitter pages, but those don’t exactly update my blog as I would like to. For a couple months there I was battling some major laptop issues that seemed never ending. I could easily disclose the brand name and I’m sure many who read this would nod and go, “Yep, that’s why there are issues!” – however, I’m not trying to start wars or get myself into any sort of trouble here by venting my frustrations with a certain computer company that starts with a D. Plus, thanks to my friend Cuddle Monkey (oh yes, using nicknames on here) my laptop has been re-down twice in the past couple months and finally seems to be on the working path yet again. So I do believe it’s safe to say I am back and shall be producing blog entries at a much better pace.

Now I’ll admit, I’ve been up and running for roughly a couple weeks now at least again. My laptop has yet (knock on wood) to give me grief again. Part of my reason for holding back on jumping right into the blog again though, is I have been debating switching to a different server. My main reason for my want is because the comments here on Blogger drive me crazy. I couldn’t reply directly to comments made in response to entries and that alone had me a little batty. I like the threading format when it comes to blogs and I really like and want to be able to respond directly to anyone who comments my blog. A huge thank you goes out to my friend Melly Belly (yep, sticking with nicknames) for finding the solution! Blogger does indeed allow the threading commenting format. It was just a matter of messing further with the settings. So from now on if you comment one of my posts, I will be able to directly respond to you! This probably excites me more than it should, but I fully admit I’m giddy about this fixture on the site.

More fixes around my site can be expected in the near future. I plan to add an ‘about me’ section. At least once I can figure out how I want to set it up, LOL! I also was thinking of adding a section where I can share what I’ve read this year thus far and what I’m currently reading with a few thoughts to each book. I’m also planning to get some new pictures taken so I can update the imagery of myself here on my blog, Facebook and Twitter. I may tweak around with a few more things in due time of course, but for now those are the big blog changes that can be expected to happen in the near future. In the meantime though, while I work on the aforementioned I’ll also try not to allow this blog to get so dusty again. So here’s hoping my laptop is done giving me grief and I will be able to post on it sooner then later! LOL!

--XOXO, Jane