Now this isn’t some anti-smoking post or some ‘go me’
bragging thing. This is a post of self reflection, rediscovering myself and
sharing some things with all of you who choose to read my blog here. I feel
like in ways I’m sort of starting over in life. Like making this time in my
life a turning point to get myself on a better path and head for what would
really make me not only happy, but healthy in life. One of my present downfalls
is my weight. I admit I’m overweight, have been for most my life and while I am
not at my heaviest – I’m nowhere near being healthy. In ways it kind of scares
me, because looking at my family’s medical history I know there is a long list
of things that are genetic, that I need to be weary of. Lately I’ve been
feeling more inspired to really do something to try and prevent those things. I
need to teach myself to focus on becoming healthier. And most importantly, I need
to do this for myself. I need to put aside all self doubt and pull into myself
the strength to begin working out regularly, eating better and just generally
keeping optimistic even when I feel like quitting. Today was the first real day
I felt like I’ve begun. Working out this morning I got on the exercise bike
that often sits in the house untouched. I’ll be perfectly honest here; I only
lasted 23-minutes and got to 5.6 miles on the thing. My goal this morning was
to last 45-minutes and well get to as many miles as I could in such a time
frame. Though I didn’t meet my personal goal for the day, I got to say I feel
great. I honestly feel just a little proud of myself, because I didn’t even
make it 2 miles the last time I got on that bike.
The photo I am sharing in this post is a self taken portrait.
I am wearing absolutely no makeup in it and exposing my blank canvas if you
will. While I don’t wish to repeat myself usually, I feel I must say again that
in ways I do feel like I’m really starting over. I’m learning to be okay with
myself in areas that I used to not be. I’m learning that it’s okay to love
myself more and to really take care of myself physically and mentally for a
healthier lifestyle. Really, I feel like I’m re-learning myself and while this
isn’t some “soul searching” journey, this reintroduction of myself in this way,
has been very helpful to open my mind to what I truly aspire for in my life. It’s
important to me to be able to hold my head up and feel proud of where I am and where
I am going. Now while I’ll fully admit that I am not completely satisfied with
where I am presently in life…I am definitely finding myself extremely happy for
the path I am on. I feel very optimistic about my future and about what I am
setting out to conquer. I have my goals, my dreams and so forth professionally
and personally that I feel very determined to reach. I’ve lived most my life
telling myself things like “I can’t do it” or “It would be nice, but…” – more or
less finding an excuse not to really go for it. As I get older and as I really examine
myself this time around though, I find myself gaining the strength and courage to
pursue what I want in life. I am going to do my absolute best not to allow
myself to hold back any further. Wait, scratch that. I am simply not going to
allow myself to hold back any further. I deserve to believe in myself and know
that I can accomplish anything I set my mind to and work hard for.
--XOXO, Jane
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