It was Saturday the eighteenth of August as we stood

Now skipping over the Mackinac Island
experience just for today, let’s remain on topic and discuss this boat ride
back. I was brave at first. I didn’t think it would be as bad, heck the ladies
I was with kept guessing it would be an easier ride back. Unfortunately, it was
a rather scary ride – for me at least. There were a few times on the way going
back across Lake Huron to Mackinaw City that it felt like the ferry lifted off
the water and slapped right back down onto it, rocking rather largely all the
way. While didn’t get nauseous, I did hear myself yelp a little at that first
feeling of the boat going airborne. It was the most terrifying sixteen minutes
of my life to date!!! Now here’s where I confess something I find rather embarrassing.
While others around us seemed to cheer and laugh with all the boating commotion
with the waves and wind, my yelp of fear was followed with some tears. I ended
up in a sort of laugh-cry state for a few minutes there on the way back. I can’t
even begin to express how relieved I was to make it to land again! Although, I feel
absolutely awful as you can see… my dear friend Hollers held my hand on the way
back…the scarier ride and ended up getting my fingers imprinted on her own hand
for a while there. I still feel really bad about that Hollers!
Overall, I would have to say it was well worth the fear facing to see that Island. I know I would do it again to see that island especially…as long as someone is there to hold my hand! LOL! Also, I would definitely recommend Mackinac Island to anyone for a vacation spot! Next time I go I definitely want to go for longer and I will be sure to share more of my island experience in the near future – with pictures of course!
--XOXO, Jane
Overall, I would have to say it was well worth the fear facing to see that Island. I know I would do it again to see that island especially…as long as someone is there to hold my hand! LOL! Also, I would definitely recommend Mackinac Island to anyone for a vacation spot! Next time I go I definitely want to go for longer and I will be sure to share more of my island experience in the near future – with pictures of course!
--XOXO, Jane
Well done! Bravo! Facing our fears is the only way of overcoming them. I think you did just fine. About the ride back, believe me, half of the rest of the passengers who were cheering had probably peed their pants!!! You have to go back and face your fear again and bring us some of that famous chocolate fudge! Yummy!!! I've missed it!
ReplyDeleteOMG! That thought so made me laugh out loud, at the idea of everyone else peeing themselves! Not sure how that makes me seem as a person to laugh at such a thought, but thank you for the laugh! Also thank you for the positive reinforcement on facing my fear! It definitely wasn’t easy, but I’m glad I got through and it definitely makes me feel like I can start conquering more fears in life and squishing them right down! LOL! Oh yes, can’t go to Mackinac Island without getting the fudge!
DeleteHi! Just dropping by again to give you the good news: Congratulations! I've nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award. Check out my blog to see how to accept:http://thegreekhousewife.blogspot.gr/2012/08/my-first-award.html?showComment=1346196713289
ReplyDeleteOh wow, thank you very much! I will definitely participate in the very near future for you! :D
DeleteThe awards keep piling up for you girl! You've been nominated for yet another award, the Versatile Award! Congratulations! Check it out at http://thegreekhousewife.blogspot.gr/2012/08/another-award.html
ReplyDeleteWOW!! Thank you so very much Vickilicious! I will definitely be sure to participate in this as well.